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New Patients

Before Your First Visit

The first step is to call and schedule your first visits at Haven Chiropractic Care. We will walk you through our new patient process, collect a few details and schedule your first two visits to the office. After the call, you will receive an email link to fill out your new patient forms before your first visit. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Day One: Discovery Day

Your first visit to the office will give us an opportunity to put a face to a name and officially connect with you! We want to make sure you feel as comfortable in our space as we do, so we will start by showing you around our space first. Once you feel at home, you will sit down with Dr. Randi to dig in to your history and look a little to deeper. At Haven Chiropractic Care, we want to partner with you on your health goals and ask that you provide as much detail as you can.
After connecting one-on-one, we will utilize our state of the art Insight technologies to gather up additional information. This is what we refer to as your “Scans”; our way of checking in on your nervous system to see how your brain and body is adapting and handling stress. This neuro-spinal assessment is an extremely important part of our initial intake process as we are able to test, rather than just guess, how your nervous system is performing. It’s totally safe and painless! Next, Dr. Randi will perform a structural, biomechanical examination. This helps us connect the data we see on the scans to the changes and adaptations in the body’s structure.


Once your history, neuro-spinal and physical analysis are completed, we will go over your health goals and answer questions you may have. That completes your first day, this usually takes about 45 minutes.
One final note, if you are a parent bringing in a child with sensory challenges or neuro-developmental delays, we recognize that going into busy, public spaces can be very tough for your kiddos at times. We gladly offer special accommodations in these cases and provide a specific sensory-based assessment for your child. Please let us know before your first visit how we can best serve you and your family. Phone consultations, split office appointments, or blocked-off hours for an in-office examination are just a few of the accommodations that we are happy to provide to make you and your child feel more at home. 

Day Two: Report of Findings

By the time we see you for your second visit to the office, Dr. Randi will have performed a full review of your Discovery visit and present you with a report of those findings. She will explain the findings from your first visit. If it is determined we can help you, she will explain in detail the recommended care plan for your personal goals. If any additional evaluation, examination, referral or co-management is needed, we will go over those as well. It is very important that you have a good understanding of what is going on with your body, so we expect questions here! Once the care plan schedule is discussed, we will go over the financial details of your care and your options with our affordable cash family plans. 

Starting Care and Beyond

When you choose to move forward, we get to deliver your first chiropractic adjustment. We will walk you through the adjustment and get you familiar with our process. This is "where the magic happens" so to speak. You are now on your way to building momentum and kicking those pesky health challenges to the curb! 

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